الامين العام مهنداً بمناسبة عيد الشرطة
بمناسبة عيد الشرطة العراقي الباسلة نتقدم باسمي باسم ايات التهنئه والتبريكات لكل ابناء الشرطة له تأثيرات صنوفها المتكاملة وضباط ومنتسبين العيون الساهرة للوطن عن بعدهم ونستذكر…
تمكين العدالة من خلال إشراك الشباب
توفير برامج ومبادرات لتطوير المهارات والقدرات القيادية لدى الشباب.
العمل على تعزيز الروابط بين الشباب العراقي من مختلف الطوائف والمناطق لتعزيز التماسك الاجتماعي.
العمل على دعم القضايا التي تعزز المساواة وعدالة الفرص لجميع المواطنين.
نشر الوعي السياسي والاجتماعي لتعزيز فهم الشباب للتحديات التي تواجه العراق.
إن حركة شباب دولة القانون هي دعوة لكل شاب عراقي يؤمن بالوحدة والعدالة وقوة التغيير. معاً، يمكننا بناء عراق أقوى وأكثر اتحاداً مدفوعاً برؤية وعزيمة شبابنا.
“حظاً موفقاً. الطريق مشرق. معكم في المستقبل يا أبطال العراق، وعلى قائمتكم القائد”.
بمناسبة عيد الشرطة العراقي الباسلة نتقدم باسمي باسم ايات التهنئه والتبريكات لكل ابناء الشرطة له تأثيرات صنوفها المتكاملة وضباط ومنتسبين العيون الساهرة للوطن عن بعدهم ونستذكر…
بتاريخ 24/12/2024 حضر رئيس مجلس النواب الدكتور محمود المشهداني انطلاق المؤتمر التأسيسي الأول لحركة شباب دولة القانون، برعاية السيد نوري المالكي رئيس ائتلاف دولة القانون، وبإشراف الأمين العام للحركة الدكتورة…
بمناسبة عيد الشرطه العراقية الباسلةنتقدم باسمى ايات التهنئه والتبريكات لكل ابناء الشرطه العراقية بمختلف صنوفها قادة وضباط ومنتسبين العيون الساهرة للوطن بعيدهم ونستذكر التضحيات والبطولات التي قدمها ابطال وزارة…
Organizing festivals and cultural events to enhance national identity and encourage artistic talents.
Creating volunteer opportunities for youth in the fields of health, education and social services.
Initiatives to support and empower young women in the political, social and economic fields.
الأعضاء المميزون
You will find questions customers often ask about our services
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
Our practice areas include Business law, employment and labor law, intellectual Property, matrimonial and family law, real Estate Law and health Care Law
We've achieved many national awards for our success and effort
أرسل استفسارك إلينا
معاً، يمكننا أن نرسم مستقبلاً مشرقاً يكون فيه الشباب القوة الدافعة للتغيير
أرسل بريداً إلكترونياً وستصلك رسائلنا الإخبارية.
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